Delivery to: Prefecture of Thessaloniki


Availability: Available

Hamidorea in a white caspo

If we want to give some 'color' in a natural way to the interior of the house or office, this plant with the mysterious name is probably the most must choice.

Because Hamaidorea, originating from the distant parts of Mexico, has a number of important advantages:

– It is evergreen which means it remains green in winter and summer,

– It needs minimal care to keep it in good condition,

– It grows wonderfully in semi-shaded places and,

– It is a very elegant plant that easily attracts attention as its image resembles a small palm tree.

Regarding the watering it needs and which is also the most important part of its care: we water it sparingly, only when the soil in its pot has now dried, while in addition we can cool it periodically by spraying its leaves with a little water.


i. We do not leave our hamidorea exposed to direct sunlight.

ii. We avoid excesses in watering because it will bring the opposite result from what we are seeking.

* Extra Tip:

Hamaidorea is also considered by the experts as one of the plants that offer significant help in good filtration - cleaning of the air that circulates in the interior of the house. So the benefit we get from this particular plant is twofold: it adds a different touch to the space where we will put it and also creates a healthier atmosphere for those who will move in it.

24,00 €
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